ROOV for guardians
The right hand of
ROOV is a real step forward for guardianships. Manage all your clients at a glance, automatically generate reports, identify risks, execute payments instantly, and much more!
Automate your reporting
Reports in a few seconds
ROOV categorises payments and transactions, and instantly prepares your files, reports, and statements - saving hours of work.
Fully compatible with regulatory requirements
Over 90% of transactions are automatically categorised
Yearly reports, account receipts, honoraries, ...

Clear and intuitive platform
All relevant information available in an instant
ROOV allows you to view all your clients at a glance, with all relevant information, such as accounts, expenses, budgets, documents, reports, and much more.
All types of accounts (incl. securities accounts, savings, USD, ...)
All documents remain available for 10 years.
Documents can (selectively) be shared with clients.
Payments and transactions
Spend less time on payments
Thanks to our partner Isabel, you can make payments directly from ROOV. And with our new module, you can automatically read invoices (both digital and physical) and prepare payments. This way, you save hours of work every week!

Create professional budgets
Every guardianship should be based on a solid budget. ROOV allows you to quickly create a budget based on historical expenses and use it to allocate living expenses.
Identify risks. And reduce them.
ROOV's advanced algorithms detect risks such as missed payments, phishing, money muling, negative balances, reminders, and more. ROOV provides proactive notifications that allow you to address issues before they arise.

Mobile app
A new form of communication
With ROOV's mobile app, you enhance communication with clients and can provide them with selective access to balances and transactions.
Allow clients to check their balance at any time, giving them more peace of mind and control over their finances, while reducing calls to your office.
Allow clients to send their invoices and request your approval for payment. You can then selectively approve or reject them, and communicate your decision efficiently.
ROOV is working to offer financial coaching at the client level, using responsible generative AI. This way, you can actively contribute to your clients' peace of mind and financial literacy.

National Bank of Belgium
Subject to the strictest rules
With a license from the National Bank of Belgium, ROOV is recognized as an Account Information Service Provider (PSD2 Class 8). This means that ROOV is subject to very strict requirements regarding security, privacy, and data protection. Additionally, ROOV is fully GDPR compliant.
All features in one package.
ROOV can save you hours of work per file with a comprehensive app accessible to all users in your office.
Setup in 2-3 hours
Immediately available after
Accessible by different users simultaneously
Setup time
Lawyers per office available
Hours saved per file per year
Clients available
Try ROOV today
Schedule a demo or watch our video. Our ROOV team will be happy to tell you more!