
Your data is safe with ROOV

Data privacy is very important to everyone. Read on to find out how we guarantee your privacy.

We don't sell your data to third parties

Privacy is one of the most important values for us. We guarantee that we will not sell your data to other companies/institutions, not even anonymously or aggregated. Your data is yours and you decide what happens to it.

Energy comparison: the different steps

  • You can request a comparison by clicking on the compare tab and choose find a better deal.
  • Fill in the form or upload an energy bill. Our AI will autocomplete the form for you. Please check if there are any changes to be made.
  • Once you have done this, you can find out if you can save money by changing your supplier or formula (only Belgian suppliers). The information is sent anonymously to our partner e-contract BVBA.

Bank connection

We have obtained the Account Information Service Provider license from the National Bank of Belgium. Which means that with your permission, we collect account information from the bank and make it available for you in ROOV. All this under the strict regulations of the National Bank of Belgium.

Data privacy is our No.1 concern and we guarantee it for the entire app. We also take this into account when developing new features.

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